Refined Ideas Designed


Below is an unfinished but refined map based off my previous design ideas. The map is a minimal map of Great Malvern showing the proposed bike route. 

I used very minimal shapes and colours to see if I could create a map which had an essence of Harry Becks tube map. In this first version of my map I kept the design simple, without too much information. However, I will experiment with another styles before I commit to this idea.

This design was made using the trace over method we learned following a previous tutorial.

I also decided to rotate the map so up is north, tying in with my board shape of a tall totem style information board. I was aiming for a true to scale map at this stage.















Here is a refined version of the board with the map in place. It is in the early stages of design and some elements still need to be refined.

I would also like to develop a striking logo to go with the board. I may use illustrations instead of symbols when I experiment further, but currently this is a digital recreation of the refined sketch.















